Thursday, October 15, 2009

Is Social Media Really the Answer?

For almost the past 2 years I’ve been plunking away at the infamous Social Media Networks. First it was FB then Twitter, now I’m adjusting to a few more just so I can have a wider audience. But at the end of the day do I have more customers now because of Social Media, and is Social Media really the answer?

The short answer is “yes and no”. Looking back how did I really get my customers? It’s very rare that a new customer just pops up out of no where. I’ve found that my customers are mainly due to the fact that they know me personally or that they know my wife.

Late this summer we put up a tent for 8 Thursday afternoons at the Briarcliff Village Farmer’s Market. This was a new adventure for us as we quickly got out of marketing to our internal customers per se. The opportunity was very positive and within a few weeks we had a small following. It was definitely worth my time and I plan on doing similar events next year. But the main thing that I have learned is that business is generated by doing business.

Social Media is a nice tool and it is a good way to get your name out there, but ultimately people make purchases because of contacts. Over the past year I generated several FB Ads for the business. To date those ads have earned me $0. I may have future customers as a result, but that really illustrates that it’s more than just advertisement. Customers do not just appear over night because of a bill board; although that would be easier at times. It takes time, it takes action and it takes connecting with people. So far my best marketing scheme is my wife. Her nights at Bunco, her status updates, her casual conversations with a neighbors and even her constructive criticism of my ideas are all what helps me sell coffee.

It’s like the saying I learned in college . . . “if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around does is make a sound?” I would venture to say if I market my coffee business without connecting with people, my business will ultimately fail. Social Media is great if you’re making noise by taking the time and actively connecting with others. Now I just hope that someone will read this article.

Brandon Gott

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